Dec 30, 2014

SweetPersimmon store is now open


The SweetPersimmon Store is now open again.  For those of you who have supported me over the years, this site is what keeps this blog going and helps fund the Issoan Tea School.  Of particular interest is our leg saving portable meditation seat, as an assist for all of you out there who need a little stool to help you in the tea room.

I will also post occasional dogu for study of Chado. Right now, there is the black kakiawase lacquer chabako made by Mr. SweetPersimmon.
I will be adding more products to the store, so please check back to see if there is something you would like to purchase. 

Dec 22, 2014

Learning to trust again


 I have been working with a good man who has helped me redo the website.  In the process of working together, I have learned to trust again.

The last couple of times I hired a web designer, I felt abandoned with a broken website after they changed some things I didn’t understand, or like last year wiped out the whole site with a “clean install.”  These characters didn’t return my panicked phone calls and I didn’t know how to restore or fix what had happened.   The site has never worked right since last year.

But I am moving forward again and have established a trusting relationship with my new web designer.   He has helped me learn how my website is put together, and how I can change the things I need to.  We have worked through problems together and he says he’ll stick around to help me maintain it.  It only gets better from here.  Thanks Steve.

And if you’d like a referral to this great guy, send me a email.