Aug 27, 2014

Summer chakai

The students from Issoan Tea put on their summer chakai last weekend.  I am going to post photos and kaiki.  It was a playful twist to the theme.

Here is a photo of the invitation:

"Stretches for light years,
Satellites transmitting
A mass of pitch black."
by James, published by NASA's Going to Mars Campaign 2013,
collected for the MAVEN Spacecraft launch
Front artwork by Michelle Kottwitz

To celebrate friendship and a sci-fi classic, please join us for a light snack, usucha and sweets
Issoan Tea school
Sunday, August 24th
RSVP to Karla Tomanka or Margie Yap
Kimono not required. Being a trekkie not required.










Edited to add sweets, Tribbles made of an, communicators made of yokan

Star Trek Chakai 2014 Kaiki

Osayu:  Earl Grey tea, hot
Meal:  Three dish rice, miso and raw dish
Scroll: Shikishi "Engage" by Margie Yap
Hana: Seasonal
Hanaire: Bizen hyotan hanging vase
Temae: Arai jakin
Mizusashi:  Found object, metal box
Chashaku: "Live long and prosper"  carved metal family heirloom by George Takei, named by Leonard Nimoy
Futaoki: Cactus skeleton, by Randy Burks
Kensui: Hammered copper
Chamei: "Far point"  local blend
Sweets: Tribbles made of an, communicators made of yokan
Natsume: Black lacquer Rikyu-gata, medium size with stars
Chawan: Glass bowl "Amanogawa" (The Milky Way) by Kunihiko Hirohata
Kaejawan: Gold leaf bowl "Snow storm" by Hirota
Gift: Fish tile

Aug 14, 2014

Travel Matcha

photo courtesy of Masaye Nakagawa

For those who can't go anywhere without their matcha.